Saturday, November 28, 2009

The final ascent...

It's true. We have had one very long year of waiting for the big "5" to roll around. We have had endless discussions about the fabulosity of all things birthday and I do not feel one bit bad to say I am going to be almost as glad as Lia to see that oft talked about grand, best day of all arrive on Tuesday. We warmed up tonight with a little Nana and Papa love before they hit the road for home on Monday, but Jim and I were reminded several times that it was not her real we will keep our game faces on until we crash into bed exhausted on Tuesday. I hope we get some good sleep that night, because I fear "6 anticipation" may be lurking just around the corner...



ps...fabulosity came up as mispelled...did I coin that word??? I have been so so jealous ever since Beyonce got "bootylicious" into the dictionary...