Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yeah...I totally knew it seemed too quiet...

*Update below*

Can you tell by her expression how pleased Lia was with herself and her "make-up"?? She rocked this look most of the afternoon...but thankfully, since it was washable (and non-toxic!) paint, it came off without too much trouble at bath time!!

Update: Laura wanted to know what Lia used to "fancy herself up" Laura...this is for you! (But Bingo sounds fun...let's go sometime!)

For the past two years, Lia has brought home work like this from school. I have dot art in every color and for every season (and I guess, the odd fish thrown in for good was the only one I could find this morning! :-)).

So when I saw these...I knew Lia would love them!

I use them on finger painting paper, so she can dot...AND use her fingers to "finger paint" with them. They really DO clean up easily and Lia loves painting with them. Before she painted herself, she did produce some great works of this one!


Joannah said...

I think that's her color!


missy said...

Such a little beauty, whether she is green or any other color. It's always fun to see their creative colors shine through : )

Rachel said...

I love the make up job! Isn't colored makeup (or at least eyeshadow) in?

very cute!

Jboo said...

She's one of those girls who sets the style, doesn't follow it, right! She looks adorable no matter what! You might want to put your lipstick out of reach though!


3 Peanuts said...

She even looks beautiful with green paint on her face:)


a Tonggu Momma said...

Hey, that looks like me when I attempt to plaster on the make-up. :)

Heather said...

Ummm, green with envy here in PA (he he)

Just exhibiting her creativity:)

Yup, still have the Hannas sitting here staring at me - I assure you, they will get there:)


Shelly and Family said...

Oh...I just love it! The smile on her face is saying it all lol!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

You tell Lia, I love polkadots!!!


Laura said...

Are those bingo blotter marks??? I'm trying to figure out what she used. That would be a great contest.

Kellyann said...

Aren't girls and there antics fun??? Not bad for a first try!

Jboo said...

Wow -- those are very cool -- I've never seen those before. Will have to look for them for my little artist! Have a fun weekend!


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Oh Miss Lia.....she is so creative!!

This is hysterical!!

Erin said...

She does look very happy with the results, and I must say, she is truly artistic! COuld have been worse... good thing those are washable. I think I will pick some up, as Libby has been wanting to paint.

Jennifer said...

Quiet is not good. They are always up to something. Lia is so funny. They use them at Katie's school too. We would get artwork everyday too with dotted colors. I never thought about getting her a set for home.

P.S. I am totally up for going to BINGO with you gals. Believe or not I have a bingo bag and all. Even a lucky toll thrown in.


Laura said...

That is so funny. I love her paintings. I think you need to invest in some frames.


Thanks for the UPDATE!!!

Denise C said...

Oh I am loving this Kate!!!! Shows her adventurous side if you ask me!!! looks fabulous on her....anywhere!
Have a blessed weekend!!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I wondered how she made such perfect circles. The secret is out...

This looks like some cool stuff. Can you please come over for arts and crafts??? Pleeeeaaaasssseee...


Jodee said...

Cute picture! I could totally see this happening at our house! It's a good thing I love dots!

Bridget said...

I love the pictures and the make up")