The moms arrive to the breakfast before the children are brought from their classrooms. We have time for a little chit chat and tea...and to inspect the gifts that are waiting for us. Lia had a terrible time keeping it all secret. She has been sizing me up all week...peppering me with questions like, "Do you love to take baths?", "Will you fit in my bathtub?", "Do you love sweet smells?"...and then finally..."I made you something for the bath for Mother's Day!!!". I assured her I would be so surprised when I saw the gift...and the little jar of homemade bath salts IS just darling!
But my favorite gift was the card...made with love by such sweet, hardworking little hands. It is beautiful!!
She has been working hard on her writing and she did such a great job copying the message for inside!!
All great stuff...but the best part was the little Q & A that her teachers took the time to type out and paste in the card. Here, verbatim, is what my girl had to say...about a lot of things!
1. What is something that mommy always says to you?
How was your day?
2. What makes mommy happy?
When I listen to her.
3. How does mommy make you laugh?
A splatter waterfall on my belly! (??? question marks all mine...she must mean raspberries on her belly!)
4. What was mommy like when she was a child?
She loved Mr. Rogers, but now he is gone (not on our local PBS line-up!)
5. How old is your mom?
6. How tall is your mom?
Taller than my head!
7. What is mommy's favorite thing to do?
Play with me.
8. What does mommy do when you are not together?
Teach boys who don't listen.
9. What is your mom really good at?
Taking pictures. (maybe someday!! :-))
10. What is mommy's favorite food?
Vegetable soup
11. What makes you proud of your mom?
Her good pictures
12. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Princess mommy
13. What do you and mommy do together?
14. How are you and mommy the same?
We have the same skin (not by a mile...I should be so lucky!)
15. How are you and mommy different?
Mommy has freckles and I don't.
16. How do you know that mommy loves you?
She loves me and cares about me and always loves me. She is the best mommy forever.
17. Where is mommy's favorite place to go?
Philadelphia to take pictures. (I am assuming this interview was completed around the time I took my recent Pixel Fairy Workshop...really the only time I've been to Philadelphia to take pictures...but she's right...I DID love it!!)
So there you have it...out of the mouths of babes...and more special than just about anything else I can think of. I am off to spend a glorious weekend with my favorite silly all of you...Happy Mother's Day!!
That is one sweet and precious Kiddo! I figured if you are 14, that would make me about 16.....Yeah, I like the way she thinks!!! Happy Mothers Day dear sister!!
Madame X
Lia is the cat's meow. I love the q&a...priceless!
Happy Mother's Day to you. Have a great weekend.!!
I love the q&a - that is so sweet and what a wonderful thing to look back on! Neither of my sons ever did that in preschool (or elementary school so far for that matter).
Happy Mother's Day!
Those are the things we treasure more than anything. Mom's truly are Blessed. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's day!
Oh Kate. I am sure this melted your heart. It did mine ;) I loved the line "Teach boys who don't listen" Welcome to my world, Kate. She has truly remarkable handwriting. Lovely. Just a never-to-be-forgotten day! (Aren't you glad you blog, so you WON't forget even one little detail?)
What a fabulous Mother's Day breakfast! The card is sooo cute!
The Q&A is hilarious! She knows you well!
So cute! Love the picture too. Have a wonderful and happy Mother's day!
So sweet! These little moments are what make being a Mom so wonderful! Love the Q & A!
Have a great MOther's Day weekend and take more beautiful photos!
Oh, I just love it! I agree...those questions and answers are such a great gift! I would love to hear how Ella would answer some of those. : )
Happy Mom's Day, Princess Mommy!
Sooo sweet, Kate! Don't you just love the precious little homemade gifts? They are the best! I love Lia's answer about "what does mommy do all day?" :)
Happy Mother's Day to you! Love the pic of your silly girl!
Great post Kate! I love her little card too. I think it's so funny what children say and their view of the world. Oh how she loves you:))
Happy Mother's day to one fantastic Mommy!
Oh my word...the card is adorable, but that Q&A was priceless!!! I loved her answers....out of the mouths of babes:)
Happy Mother's Day Kate!!
That is just precious!!! Love her answers.... once -when Liam was about that age and filled out a similar questionaire - he said my favorite things to do were clean and shop! HAHA! Guess I need more hobbies...
He also said "workout" but I think he was thinking of his imaginary mommy.
Happy Mother's Day!!
How cute!! Happy Mothers's Day!!
What a great post and I just loved Lia answers to the Q&A! it is great to hear that her school honored mom's as well. Sounds like the perfect day!
Happy Mother's Day!
What a wonderful card! Lia's handwriting is excellent, and her answers are absolutely precious. Happy Mother's Day!
That's what counts!!!! Hope you had a great day, we did!! See you soon. xoxoxo, Laura
What a sweet post! Loved all the Q&A too! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend Kate!
You are absolutely right, Kate. This is the stuff of life! She is precious and you'll keep that card forever and pull it out years from now and remember who she was. We forget things about our kids so easily but treasures like this bring it all back! Hope your weekend was lovely!
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