Monday, December 15, 2008

Angels we have heard on high??

According to Lia, "The angel on our tree is very very tall!" :-)



Missy said...

Too sweet! Looks like she is enamored by her Christmas tree : )

3 Peanuts said...

That is such a cute photo!!!! And that is one of my favorite songs...

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

So sweet!! I can just imgaine what her precious little face looks the pig tails!!

Hope you have a great week:)


Kam said...

Super sweet! To be four again...precious! Christmas trees are supposed to be magical, right?
Hope you are having a great Monday!

Rachel said...

I love that picture! I can just see the open mouthed awe on her face!

Jennifer said...

What great Christmas photos you are getting. You should frame them next year and use them as Christmas decorations around your house!


Jodee said...

That is such a sweet photo!

Laura said...

Wow, look how long her hair is getting already.

Jboo said...

Great photo -- it's a good reminder to just sit and take it all in sometimes!

Hope you have a fun week!


Shelly and Family said...

I so love it whenever I see a child in "aw" of a Christmas tree!