Sunday, February 22, 2009


We took an unexpected trip "home" over the weekend. There, we had the chance to connect with all of Lia's cousins...both sides...which is rare during any one visit. I had the opportunity to take pictures to my heart's content...and with six nieces, I had plenty 'o pretty subjects!!! I even got some photos of my mom taking a turn down the sled run on an inner you can be sure I will be posting those in the next few days! :-)

My niece, Annemarie, turned 9 two weeks ago...and was a great sport in putting off some mean sled runs for a few minutes to indulge me in a little photo shoot.







I know what you all are thinking...she could be a model, right?? But after reading this sign that she very seriously posted on her bedroom door...I am tempted to think she will become the next Ann Coulter someday...

(note...I try very hard not to mix politics into my blog...and I don't want to offend each his's what makes this country so great. This was just too amusing to me not to share it! She's only 9!!)



Eloise said...

Your niece is so beautiful and cameras clearly agree with her!

Rachel said...

Your niece is just gorgeous - those eyes! Some credit also goes to you, though - the pictures are great. You are becoming very talented. When I try to take pictures int eh snow, I always feel like the exposure/WB or something is a little off, but yours is just right.

Also - who let you bring the chair outside?

That sign is just hilarious.

Have a great week.


a Tonggu Momma said...

Good thing I'm a registered independent, otherwise I just might be a loser! LOL.

Loved the photos. And the story. ;)

Jboo said...

Beautiful photos! Wow - she has gorgeous eyes and eyelashes, doesn't she! Sounds like it was a fun trip! Have a great week!


Missy said...

OH MY GAWD!!! Kate, these ROCK! Sister, you didn't hold back on these...they are incredible! She is a gorgeous girl for sure and too funny!

Sorry AnneMarie, I'm a loser baby : )

Anonymous said...

Just to let everyone know, I'm Annnemarie's mom. These are actually my favorite pictures of her ever, and my sister is TOTALLY TALENTED!!! It is actually my chair, and I have two of them. I plan to reupholster them, and put them in front of my fireplace. This is where my husband and I will sip wine, and discuss our day, and how proud we are of our girls. Thanks Aunt Katie!!

Laura said...

She is beautiful. Her eyes are stunning.

Glad you made it home safely.


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I am glad you made the most of your trip home....Your niece is gorgeous and could easily be a model if her career in politics goes south!! That sign on her door is a hoot!!

Hope you have a good week:)


Michelle R Photography said...

Great pictures!! Your niece makes a beautiful model.

And I love her sign!! How funny she has such a strong opinion at age 9.

my4andnomore said...

Wow, she has the most beautiful eyes.What a photogenic subject too. I love the sign also.

Jodee said...

It sounds like you had a great weekend. Your niece is absolutely beautiful! That sign is hilarious too!

Hope you have a great week!

Ivy Shaffer said...

Oh that's very funny coming from a 9 year old! What a beautiful girl and of course lovely photos Kate.


Chasing Dreams Photography said...

Your niece is beautiful and the pictures you too are gorgeous!!!! The sign is hilarious!!! Yeah I'm not a loser : )

Erin said...

You are really capturing people in such a real way Kate. You seem to have an eye into others' hearts. Annemarie is a beauty. Her fur hood is a very nice touch framing her eyes! And she speaks her mind too... I like that quality!!!

Joannah said...

She's gorgeous and smart!

Shelly and Family said...

I must admit...I support her 100% lol! The photos are just beautiful of your niece and how nice it must have been to "go home" for a weekend! Hope you have a great week ahead!

Kam said...

Kate, how beautiful is she!?! And what an eye you have! You rock, my friend!

And her sign, I might have to order one for my front door! lol!

Love ya!

3 Peanuts said...

They are gorgeous Kate.... Love the second one!!! You have amazing talent.

Love the sign...Will would make one just like that.


Rhonda said...

Your niece is one smart girl!!!! And beautiful too! haha! That's so funny. Those are some beautiful photographs! Whew! You photographers out here in blog-land are killin' me! I'm such a "loser" in this category! haha! Love your blog. Have a blessed day!

Julie said...

Beautiful pictures - what a cutie!!

Donna said...

Anne Marie is lovely. Her eyes are amazing. And I totally love that hat!

Can't argue with her politics either. ;)

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Rebecca Lily said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! "Sorry losers"!! That totally cracks me up. She should sell reproductions; I'd buy one. :)

I always look forward to your posts and seeing the beautiful pictures you take. These of your niece are just outstanding. Did you get a chair outside in the snow for that shoot???? I must know!

Jennifer said...

BEAUTIFUL PICTURES KATE!!! Annemarie is such a pretty girl.

Great job!


Natalie said...

beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl and I love the sign

Football and Fried Rice said...

OK, I was TOTALLY thinking how gorgeous she was (& 9!?!?!?!) really???? And what a funny sign on her door - I know how opinated 9 year olds can be :)