Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Cat's Pajamas were, well...the Cat's Meow!!

Tonight we took Lia to hear a local children's music group, The Cat's Pajamas...

...and that, my friends, is my idea of a perfect evening!


Denise C said...

Oh yes....the perfect evening..I agree! You are so blessed!!!

Thank you for the sweet anniversary wishes for my really meant a lot to me and to them...(they read my blog!)

Don and Lisa Osborn said...


Kate, I know we'd have so much fun doing this kind of stuff with our girls if we lived closer. I am glad you had such a fun night.


Jeff and Amy said...

Wow, what an awesome smile!!!! Pure joy and excitement from the heart of a child.

Jboo said...

Great photos -- that did look like a perfect evening! What fun and how lucky Lia had her cellphone to get that call from Cinderella!


Jodee said...

What a fun outing. That cell phone picture is hilarious!

Kerry said...

Lia makes a cute cat. My Grace would wear whiskers every day- if I allowed her to!
Sounds like a fabulous family evening.


Erin said...

That is such an exuberant smile! She is full of joy, and she looks so cute with her Daddy making her laugh. I need to take Libby to some little plays! She definitely needs a little more culture than we are giving her!

Kellyann said...

I showed Dave your blog and he loves the picture of Lia dancing. She is such a cutie pie.